The Institute of Biomedical and Oral Research (IBOR)

The Institute of Biomedical and Oral Research (IBOR) is an academic center for basic and translational research in the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

We aim to understand basic biological processes in order to improve oral and systemic health through the development of novel therapies and diagnostic modalities. The Institute brings together world-class research in the following areas: microbiology/immunology, developmental biology and cancer research, cell biology and biochemistry, salivary diagnostics, and tissue engineering. Our vision includes the design and administration of an undergraduate dental curriculum that incorporates interdisciplinary innovative research to prepare students for a world of rapidly developing knowledge and technology. Through the graduate program in Bio-Medical sciences, we offer a range of opportunities for post-graduate training including an international MSc program, as well as advanced doctoral degree programs. To read more about the Institute, please see our website


List of research groups of the Institute