
periodontics_fellowsAbout us


The vision of the Department of Periodontology is:

  1. To teach periodontology and implant dentistry to students, residents and general dentists, each for his level of treatment. 
  2. To treat patients with gum diseases and/or missing teeth -   with cutting edge technology.
  3. To perform high quality basic and clinical research.


The staff of the department includes twelve certified periodontists, eight residents, three dental hygienists and six dental assistants.  All the medical staff is involved in teaching of undergraduate students in their three clinical years, in theoretical courses and in the student clinic.



Contact info


Department Chair: Prof. Lior Shapira

Address: Department of Periodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine ,PO Box 91120



Department offices: Telephone 02-6777826 Fax 02-6438705

Address: Dental Building, Old Wing, 5th floor



Contact Person: Mrs. Iris Shaya

Dental Building, New Wing, 3rd Floor

Phone 02-6776132





Specialty Program

The resiEEPdency program in Periodontology trains dentists to be specialists in the field of gum diseases and dental implants.

The program is full-time for four years and recognized by the European Federation of Periodontists (EFP) and the Academic Council of the Israel Dental Association.



The Goal of the Residency Program


The resident will study the healthy and diseased periodontium, and will be well versed in the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases.

The resident will study the treatment techniques for an unhealthy periodontium and will be able to apply conservative and surgical techniques in the cure of periodontal diseases and the rehabilitation of the dental support system.

The resident will be up to date about conservative surgical and regenerative techniques that are developed from time to time.

The resident will learn procedures aimed at creating harmonious and esthetic gums, in combination with natural and reconstructed teeth.

In addition, the resident will learn the surgical principles of dental implants from the planning stage to the reconstructive stage, including the basic principles of reconstruction with implants.  The resident will acquire expertise in guided bone augmentation to prepare the patient for dental implants, aided by various newly developed techniques and will learn to assess the foreseeable problems in dental implants by using modern imaging and its application in every-day practice.

The resident will obtain knowledge in peri-implantitis.

The number of residents accepted in each cycle is two to four.  In 2018, four new residents were accepted. 


The Residency Program

The residency is a full-time, four-year program, including rotations in other departments and required basic science in the framework of the department.  During their specialization, residents are exposed to the theoretical and practical aspects of periodontology and dental implants.

The theoretical subject matter is taught in lectures and seminars with the goal of maximizing the resident's knowledge of current and classic periodontology literature.  The residency program includes weekly seminars in the basic periodontics literature, and seminars about implants and bone regeneration.

The residents also participate in interdepartmental seminars to improve their understanding of integrated areas, especially periodontology/prosthodontics, periodontology/endodontics and periodontology/orthodontics.

Practical knowledge and expertise are acquired by treatment of patients with a variety of periodontal diseases and patients who need dental implants, under the guidance of specialists and consultations with members of other departments.  In addition, residents instruct the dentistry undergraduates at every level in periodontics, collaborating with and supervised by senior lecturers.  During residency, every resident completes a research project at the level of a scientific article.  This project can be considered as a rotation in basic science.

Residents must complete the clinical and course requirements including a full course of treatment for at least 25 patients, presentation of the finished cases before a panel of the department's doctors, and completion of surgical procedures and dental implants.  In addition, the residents serve in the department's maintenance clinic treating patients.

Upon the successful completion of residency, and after fulfilling all the requirements, the residents can sit the qualifying specialist examinations of the Scientific Council, assuming that they have met the Council's requirements and they have documented cases which satisfy the examination committee.

The department's residency program is approved by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP).  Residents who have completed the department's residency are eligible to sit the EFP certification exam for periodontology and dental implants.

The residency program coordinator is Professor Moshe Goldstein.

Acceptance Requirements


The candidates are screened initially based on the material they presented upon application, and some are asked to take a selection and preliminary suitability test (at the candidate's expense).  This thinks their thinking skills, work style, interpersonal behavior, adaptability and reliability.  Based on the results, there is another screening.  A test of the candidates' knowledge of dentistry, particularly periodontology, may also be administered. 

Candidates who complete the selection process to the satisfaction of the department are invited to a personal interview.  The interview is based on the information given by the candidate (including grades, recommendations, and personal history), on the suitability test, and on a variety of professional and non-professional questions.  The interviewers are the department's senior doctors and sometimes a psychologist.  The interview team may also consult others who have relevant knowledge of the candidates to get an additional opinion.  After the interviews, there is a department discussion and the most suitable candidates are accepted as residents, according to the number of places available.

The candidates who have completed the process successfully to this point will be examined on their knowledge of periodontology (on the current articles that have been published in the field).The passing grade is 70.  The first year of residency is a trial period, at the end of which the candidate's capability to continue his residency will be decided.

Documents required to apply for the residency program in periodontology

  • Electronic application form (the link is at the bottom of the page)
  • A current passport-size photo in color
  • Dentistry degree diploma, documents of other degrees
  • Academic record of grades in dentistry courses
  • Rank in graduating class
  • Certification of other relevant courses (academic or continuing education
  • Copy of a permanent license to practice dentistry in Israel
  • Two letters of recommendation

Program Director :  Professor Moshe Goldstein


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