Prof. Diana Ram
- Local anesthesia
- Children's behavior at the dental clinic and behavior management
Dr. Moti Moskovitz
- Advancements in pulp therapy for primary and young permanent dentitions.
- Oral health status of medically compromised children
- Identify salivary biomarkers by exploring the salivary microbiome of medically compromised children
Dr. Esti Davidovich
- Saliva as a diagnostic tool in children
- The physiology of tooth eruption
- Enamel defects in permanent teeth
- Power tooth brush usage in pediatric population
Dr. Avia Fux-Noy
- Children's behavior at the dental clinic and behavior management
- Dental treatment for medically and developmentally compromised children
- Dental home
Dr. Aviv Shmoeli
- Different irrigation solutions and their influence on bacterial survival in pulp canals of primary molars
- Early detection of ECC by pediatric doctors
- Diagnosis of pulp in primary molars undergoing vital root therapy
Dr. Elinor Halperson
- Dental treatment for children undergoing cancer therapy
- Oral health status of medically compromised children
- Identify salivary biomarkers by exploring the salivary microbiome of medically compromised children
- Changes in manifestations of dental defects in preterm and low birth weight children
Prof. Joseph Shapira
- A preventive dental health program for special needs children
- Overcoming the oral aspects of self-mutilation: description of a method-follow up
- The biological systemic processes that accompany teething in laboratory animals
Prof. Fuks Anna
- Atypical developmental defects of enamel in primary incisors-Pre eruptive internal Resorption (PIER) or another non - described entity? (Collaboration with Peru, Mexico and Spain).
- Clinical and laboratory studies on Silver di aminofluoride and Nano Silver Fuoride (Collaboration with University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
Long term survival of primary molars with deep caries (ICDAS 4and 5) treated by selective caries removal and restored by composite resin or stainless steel crown a clinical study in chool children.
List of publications